Vancouver Canucks
Canucks AM Skate: The Golden Crosby, “Monster” signings, “Brooksie”

Larry Brooks is a Hockey Hall-of-Fame honoured writer who, among other things, can provide salary cap talk that won’t leave your head spinning. That’s because it’s always concise and in context, as it is today with the Adam Pelech story on Long Island. And what a story. Something to think about with the Vancouver Canucks facing a couple of very large contract decisions. It should be noted that Pelech’s agent is Paul Capizzano of the very proficient Quartexx Management group, which also includes representatives Darren Ferris, Kent Hughes and two more.
Meanwhile, if you’re building a must-read loop around the league, put “Brooksie” of the New York Post on it. Trust me. Even if you hate the Rangers, you’ll love the takes.
By the way, because it’s a pet peeve, especially for my pals at the HHOF, here’s a gentle reminder. Brooks, who received the writer’s Elmer Ferguson Award in 2018, and Jim Robson, recipient of the equally distinguished Foster Hewitt Award for broadcasters back in 1992, for example, are not Hall of Fame inductees. They are not Honoured Members. Yes, they do have their faces on plaques in the media section of The Great Hall, but receiving one of these awards and being inducted are two entirely different things, as are the luncheon and the induction ceremony that also separate the two. I know, I’ve been to about a half-dozen of the media luncheons and a couple of inductions. The media-as-inductee mistake is seen a lot in write-ups and references. No sweat and no offense to anyone, and non is taken, because all of my so-honoured media and writer pals would be the first to admit that they’re no Wayne Gretzky or Pavel Bure. That includes the great former voice of the Canucks, Robson.
Aside from the fact that 130 of Connor Carrick‘s 241 NHL games were with the Toronto Maple Leafs is only a partial afterthought in the story, here’s some facts on the Kraken’s latest transactions, straight from the mouth of the monster. The club’s website, as one would expect, is pumping tires about it’s roster, as it should. They’re marketing an expansion team.
Fans of the Vancouver Canucks should be more excited than anyone about the arrival of the sea monster. The Kraken down the road provides rivalry, potential bragging rights, and potential grief and hand-wringing here should Seattle win games against their Pacific Northwest brethren. Fun! That’s the best way to sum up this soon-to-be relationship, plus it’s a great chance for Vancouver Canucks fans to check out the NHL in another venue.
And finally, Sid-who’s-no-longer-a-Kid turned 34 years of age on Saturday. Pittsburgh Hockey Now has a Sidney Crosby annual top-5-moments to celebrate that birthday. You’ll never guess what’s number-one. Enjoy!